
   The story tells us: Only by working hard all the time can you succeed. 这个故事告诉我们:只有不断努力,才有可能获得成功。
   1. At the end of Western Jin Dynasty, wars go on year after year. People become homeless and live a miserable life. 西晋末年,战乱年年不断,人民流离失所,生活在水深火热之中。
   2. Zu Ti and Liu Kun are good friends. They decide to learn martial arts and serve the motherland. 祖逖和刘琨两人是好友,他们决心学好武艺,报效国家。
   3. One night, Zu Ti hears the crows and wakes Liu Kun up to practise the sword. “It’s only midnight. Let’s wait until the dawn,” says Liu Kun. 一天夜里,祖逖听到远处有鸡叫声,就去催刘琨起床练剑。刘琨说,“才半夜呢,还是等到天亮了再练吧!”
   4. “We are ambitious and should work hard. The crows ask us to get up and practise the sword,” Zu Ti answers. So they get up and practise till the sun goes up in the east. 祖逖说:“我们胸怀大志,就应当勤学苦练。鸡叫声就是催我们起床练剑。”于是,两人起床,一直练到日出东方。
   5. Later, they both become famous generals of the Jin Dynasty. Getting up to practise at the crow gives them perfect martial arts. 祖逖、刘琨闻鸡起舞换来他们精湛高超的武艺。后来,祖逖和刘琨都成了晋朝著名的将领。